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Expert Witness in court cases

Henk den Boer is registered as an expert witness in court cases.


The court may ask for the expertise of an expert witness because of proven expertism. Henk den Boer is registered as a financial expert. The court may ask for his financial expertism, but this can also be asked by one of the parties involved in a court case.


The combination of expertise in the areas of finance and management together with the education as an official expert witness will guarantee an optimal communication with the court and other parties involved.


When the court asks a report from an official expert witness, it is the intention of the court that the report of the official expert witness will give guidance to the opinion of the court.


Henk den Boer is able, as a specialist in financial matters, with specific knowledge of the legal context of a case, to answer the questions of the court adequately.

He has specific experience with business valuation, damage provision, fraud cases, accounting issues and as an expert witness in criminal matters.


Because of the fact that Henk den Boer has been a member of the Ethics Committee of the auditors’ profession for 16 years, he also has specific experience with conflicts between auditors and clients.


Henk den Boer is registered in the National Register of Gerechtelijke Deskundigen (Expert Witnesses).